Canada is seeing more cases of walking pneumonia. Ontario, Halifax, and British Columbia have the most diagnosed cases. Many are turning to OTC oral health solutions and sore throat lozenges or sore throat spray to manage symptoms. The younger population including toddlers, school-going children, and, teens are facing the brunt of the spread.
In the US, the CDC tracks every case and reports a surge. Canadian doctors and clinics are seeing a significant increase in walking pneumonia cases among younger people as well. In Halifax alone, cases have gone from 11 in 2023 to a concerning 161 now in 2024.
Walking pneumonia is a milder version of pneumonia but that doesn’t mean you should ignore it. Children and adults often begin with common flu symptoms. These symptoms encompass a cough, fever, fatigue, and sore throat. However, these symptoms get worse over time and last longer than what’s usual for virals around this time of the year.
In such times, many of the affected patients can benefit from personalized oral health solutions from compounding pharmacies. Before we look for treatment and see how our compounding pharmacies can help, let’s understand walking pneumonia. We will also explore why it is becoming more common.
What is Walking Pneumonia?
Walking pneumonia is an upper lung-related infection that can affect your lungs. It can cause symptoms like sore throat, extreme tiredness, lasting cough, and sometimes but not always a consistent low-grade fever.
This is unlike regular pneumonia which can make you skip school or work. The symptoms are mild. You can continue with your daily life despite this infection, which is why people call it ‘walking pneumonia.’
Walking pneumonia can be extremely uncomfortable for people with health issues or a history of lung problems. Bacteria M. pneumoniae or Mycoplasma pneumoniae mostly cause it. Other causes include viruses and mold.
Walking pneumonia can spread through the air and via breathing droplets. If you or someone you know has it, coughing or sneezing can spread the infection to healthy people.
How is Walking Pneumonia Different from Regular Pneumonia?
Unlike regular pneumonia, walking pneumonia won’t make you feel sick enough to consider bed rest. Moreover, there’s no need to visit the hospital.
Regardless, attending to it timely is important. You can manage it with compounding oral health solutions, sore throat spray, or sore throat lozenges. This is important because, in rare cases, not treating it can lead to pneumonia. Dr. Samir Gupta shared this in a talk with CBC News.
Symptoms of Walking Pneumonia
Common symptoms of walking pneumonia you need to look for include:
- Persistent cough (mostly dry, but sometimes with mucus, too)
- Sore throat
- Chest pain or unease
- Unusual fatigue
- Runny nose
- Body aches
- Low-grade fever
In autumn and winter, many Canadians get colds and the flu. Their symptoms can be similar to walking pneumonia. However, if you are experiencing these symptoms for a prolonged time, get medical advice. This will help you prevent the infection from getting severe and affecting your life quality.
Why are The Cases of Walking Pneumonia Rising?
In September, over 400 swab tests came back positive for walking pneumonia in Ontario alone. Earlier this December, the numbers showed a sudden rise again.
Doctors usually see this in children over five or school-aged kids. However, this time, they are noticing more cases in younger children. Newborns, infants, and toddlers are all contracting it. Different reasons exist behind the wave:
Lifestyle Changes
Walking pneumonia cases gain attention every couple of years with an upward trend followed by a downward trend. After the start of the pandemic, the condition was under control. Experts believe it was mostly because we were practicing SOPs, avoiding close contact, and masking properly.
Now that we are returning to normal life, we are enjoying being close to each other. However, contagious illnesses are spreading again. This time, the numbers are concerning. The compact urban lifestyle and proximate transport systems and eateries are also the reasons.
Many of us have been affected by COVID-19 and other viral illnesses leaving us with compromised immunity. Additionally, sleep schedules, stress, and improper diet have weakened our immune systems. This has helped the spread and strength of walking pneumonia.
People used to treat symptoms like a sore throat with over-the-counter drugs or lozenges. Now, they require special medications and oral health solutions.
More Awareness
More and more patients are now visiting ERs and clinics to seek treatment for their symptoms. This has allowed greater numbers to report. That’s mainly because most people are now more aware of symptoms related to breathing conditions after the pandemic.
They treat these symptoms with seriousness. In the past, numerous individuals might have had walking pneumonia without realizing it. Currently, the situation has changed, with hospitals throughout Canada seeing an increase in admissions because of walking pneumonia.
How to Prevent and Manage Walking Pneumonia?
To prevent walking pneumonia, here are some preventive measures you can adopt:
Maintain Hygiene
Wash your hands and avoid touching your face with dirty hands. Don’t be around sick people and wear a mask in public spaces to avoid spreading the bacteria.
Work on Your Immunity
Eat a balanced diet, maintain a good sleep routine, and exercise daily to build your immunity.
Use Compounded Medicines and Oral Health Solutions
If you or someone close to you happens to develop symptoms, turn to compounded treatments. Custom sore throat lozenges, throat spray, and immunity-boosting supplements from compounding pharmacies can meet your needs. At South Stormont Pharmacies, we can help you get quick and effective relief with customized lozenges and oral health solutions. You can also talk to our pharmacists to get your unique compounded immune boosters to stay fit year-round.
Seek Medical Help
If your symptoms are becoming severe, seek advice from your doctor to get early treatment.
Treatment Options for Walking Pneumonia
If you suspect walking pneumonia, your physician can provide assistance. They can confirm it with a chest X-ray, a mucus swab test, or a blood test to find the cause. If your healthcare provider finds a bacteria is causing your symptoms, they will prescribe you germ-fighting medicine.
In case a virus is causing your symptoms, they’ll suggest managing your symptoms with OTC medicines. However, to get instant relief and that too with fewer side effects, you can choose compounded medicines.
OTC medicines might not work for all especially if you have unique preferences or allergies. At Compounding Wellness, we can provide you with customized dosages and formulas.
Top Remedies to Manage Sore Throat and Walking Pneumonia Symptoms
You can get relief from walking pneumonia symptoms especially sore throat in different ways:
Sore Throat Lozenges
OTC lozenges can give you relief but compounded sore throat lozenges will be better. They contain elevated levels of calming components such as honey, licorice root, and slippery elm.. We can also add flavors to these lozenges which is especially beneficial for the young population.
Sore Throat Sprays
Compounded sore throat sprays from our pharmacies can give you fast relief to soothe your sore throat. Compounding pharmacists can adjust the dose of anti-inflammatory and numbing ingredients. This way, you can get targeted relief that over-the-counter options do not provide. You can also customize these formulas with your allergies in mind.
Oral Health Solutions
Compounding pharmacies can customize oral health solutions for you like gargle liquid or mouthwash with effective ingredients. This will not only help you manage symptoms but also avoid these airborne illnesses better.
Final Remarks on Getting Personalized Care for Walking Pneumonia
Walking pneumonia is on the rise and though symptoms are mild, treating them promptly is necessary. With the right compounded treatments for your unique symptoms and health needs, you can manage the symptoms and recover quickly.
Come see us today at our Long Sault Pharmacy or Pharmasave Ingleside Pharmacy. Find the relief you seek for your symptoms.
Our pharmacists can customize the dosage and formulas of medicines for you. This includes lozenges, sore throat spray, and other oral health solutions. Our special way of giving personalized care helps you find quick relief for walking pneumonia symptoms at our pharmacies.